
Showing posts from May, 2016

#4 When? - #5 Where?

Step #4: When should I write? Once I finish major plot sequences in my stories I have to step away from them to give them more thought and consideration to the overall story, until I decide to either edit the remaining idea or continue with the material I have.  It's very similar to science when forming a hypothesis. You have your alternative hypothesis that is your original idea however, you always have a null hypothesis which is empirical evidence or facts that would in fact answer the objective question to the alternative.  (Reference to first step):  Remember the strength of your story compared to a boat? The module references one chain, however when in the process of writing you theoretically have multiple chains after each segment (i.e., Inciting incident, Rising Action, Falling Action,).  Strictly speaking, you have multiple different directions you could take with your story right off the bat. Through consistent editing processes you take away those chai